Thursday, August 9, 2007

Joost, in the press, but not in the mainstream

The team at Joost is a press machine, they continue to get a ton of magazine and newspaper coverage. Just like Skype was the next telephone, Joost in the next television. It is an easy message to convey.

But it isn't an easy message to deliver on. Joost has signed lots of deals with big video brands, but at the end of the day it isn't nearly as popular as YouTube. How many people do you know who use Joost everyday? I can't easily post and share video clips on my blog. I can't easily send videos around. It just isn't the experience with online video that we've come to expect.

That doesn't mean that it can't become those things. And it definitely doesn't mean that our expectations won't change. Sure, Joost could become the next big thing. But at least for now, it gets a lot more press than it probably deserves.

So someone over there at Joost should give the marketing team a big raise!

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