Thursday, August 9, 2007

Someone left a comment about on one of my earlier posts about Joost and the future of online video. At first I thought that it was comment spam, but actually it is on topic.

I checked out and it has some promise. Yes, the site is FAR too slow. The team at ViewMy needs to make some bigtime improvements to make the site go faster. But I like the idea behind the site.

Here is what the about us page says:
" Our target is to access a global audience to achieve increased channel, product and brand exposure. We are focused on collaboration and work to empower clients, agencies, publishers and advertisers to work together to achieve continuous product innovation."

Sound familiar? Yup. There are a number of companies talking a big game about the next big thing in Internet TV. Here is what I like about viewmy's early approach:
1. You can find videos from multiple sources. Much better than YouTube if what you're looking for is the last political speech by Barack Obama and that's hosted by CNN instead of Obama Girl
2. Producers at small local channels can submit video directly. There is lots of content out there, this just might become a way to distribute it.
3. The provide RSS feeds, which is cool.

Here is what I don't like:
1. The site is slow slow slow
2. Searching on the site seems broken. I searched for "Barack Obama" and I found nothing at all. Kind of disappointing.
3. The featured channels have no descriptions and tiny pictures.

Overall I kind of like ViewMy.TV so let's hope that they're able to speed things up and improve some of the features.


peter woodford said...

Hi, cheers for the comments and review of

Appreciated and as part of the development team, i do acknowledge that there was a lot of client side code on the site making things a little slow but we've tried to reduce that and be more w3c validated.

Yes, we will be improving this more going forward also. We're all super keen to refine the site further.

With the search, it looks as the channel name, description and any tags added by members. You've given me a good idea though that we should open it up to search in user comments and open up the user comments so they are not just for members.

We've just developed our API so are also going to be launching more site widgets to post to Blogger, Twitter etc.

Most catchy new developments get posted on the blog at

Unknown said...

Ive seen mentioned in random web 2.0 forums too. Seems like theres a fair bit of hype surrounding it. Hopefully it will eventuate in something. In regards to your comments about the speed, maybe its just your internet connection because the site is always quite fast on my end. hmm.

Payday said...

Thanks for the comments.

Claire, I don't think the speed issue in my connection. I'm on DSL and other services are responding quickly. So I do think that it is a problem that ViewMy can improve on their end.

PWoodford, thanks for checking out my blog post and responding personally. That's very cool! Good luck with the new service.